Using digital I/O. Arduino + firmata + pyFirmata + pyQt

Arduino Nano + Board 0101v4 + Board 0104v3 :  nano-eCat pinout : pyQt + pyFirmata custom program : This layout is designed with Qt Designer : led_uSw.ui (pyuic4 led_uSw.ui > It can be converted in Python : Code to use nano-eCat’s P2 : Code to use nano-eCat’s P1 : Using digital outputs : #self.ledB7 = 13 # P2b7#self.ledB6… Continueu llegint Using digital I/O. Arduino + firmata + pyFirmata + pyQt

How to recover bricked fake FT232

First off, I’m against piracy in software and hardware. I understand FTDI trying to protect themselves from piracy and fake replicas. Having said that, clearly, end users have bought electronic products legally and most of them are out of warranty because they had bought them years ago. End users can blame and complain to their… Continueu llegint How to recover bricked fake FT232