Pàgina d’explicació d’ús de la biblioteca ecat
Categoria: OSHW
Radio Control using Arduino and NRF24L01
Detailed explanation at https://binefa.cat/php/doc/nrf24l01/ This sample of radiocontrol using two Arduinos is based on this post : http://blog.riyas.org/2013/12/working-quick-start-guide-for-nrf24l01.html
Using digital I/O. Arduino + firmata + pyFirmata + pyQt
Arduino Nano + Board 0101v4 + Board 0104v3 : nano-eCat pinout : pyQt + pyFirmata custom program : This layout is designed with Qt Designer : led_uSw.ui (pyuic4 led_uSw.ui > ui_led_uSw.py) It can be converted in Python : ui_led_uSw.py Code to use nano-eCat’s P2 : exFirmata03.py Code to use nano-eCat’s P1 : exFirmata03P1.py Using digital outputs : #self.ledB7 = 13 # P2b7#self.ledB6… Continueu llegint Using digital I/O. Arduino + firmata + pyFirmata + pyQt
Arduino + Raspberry Pi using pyFirmata and pyQt
Steps on Raspberry Pi : 1) Install pyQt : $ sudo aptitude install pyqt4-dev-tools 2) Install pip $ sudo aptitude install python-pip 3) Install pyFirmata $ sudo pip install pyfirmata 4) Download qtgui02.py (Based on qtgui.py) $ wget https://www.binefa.cat/php/raspberryPi/python/pyQt/qtgui02.py.tar.gz $ tar -zxvf qtgui02.py.tar.gz Steps on Arduino : 5) Install standard firmata on Arduino 6) Mount Arduino Nano… Continueu llegint Arduino + Raspberry Pi using pyFirmata and pyQt
Serial read using Ardublock
SCoop + Ardublock
First two options are not optimal because event are detected after delays. The last two options are using SCoop Sleep instead of delay. The last two options are better than the first ones. SCoop should be installed at Arduino IDE
SCoop installation on Arduino IDE
SCoop : Simple Cooperative Scheduler for Arduino and Teensy ARM and AVR 1st option) Go to official SCoop website : https://github.com/fabriceo/SCoop/ and follow its instructions 2nd option) Once Arduino IDE is installed on Debian, download https://www.binefa.cat/arduino/ardublock/SCoop.tar.gz at /usr/share/arduino/libraries and uncompress it. clot@debian:/usr/share/arduino/libraries$ wget https://www.binefa.cat/arduino/ardublock/SCoop.tar.gz –2014-11-18 17:26:30– http://www.binefa.cat/php/arduino/ardublock/SCoop.tar.gz S’està resolent www.binefa.cat (www.binefa.cat)… S’està connectant a… Continueu llegint SCoop installation on Arduino IDE
Arduino’s VU-meter using ArduBlock
This is chapter 3 about using Ardublock . It reads an analog value from a potentiometer and it writes to 8 leds VU-meter style. (link)
Arduino Nano + LCD + Joystick + Servo
Link to “How-to” tutorial Arduino Nano + LCD + Joystick + Servos
Modbus TCP/IP on Arduino Nano + ENC28J60
Link to an explanation of How to use Modbus TCP/IP connecting Arduino Nano and ENC28J60